Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Reality And Deceptions Of The American Muslim Organizations & Scholars Like Hamza Yusuf The Sufi

From: The Revival Of Islam

May peace and blessing be upon those who follow the truth.

Today in the majority of the masjids in America we see people openly and proudly supporting democracy and the American government. We see these so-called Muslim organizations telling people to vote and to become active and support the system. These organization and their representatives such as Ahmed Bedier, Sheikhs like Hamza Yusuf and many others are actively dedicating their lives to calling the Muslims to support and promote democracy, an oppressive man made system which is killing Muslims worldwide at this present moment and we dont see the end in sight. They called people to vote for Bush and now Obama which is a kafir who openly who gives his full support for the illegal occupying state of Israel and has vowed to send an additional 30,000 plus troops to Afghanistan which was done to kill torture and bomb hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in the name of democracy and human rights. The openly twist verses in Quran to justify their evil kufr. This is all nothing but a deception and needs to be exposed now. It is not a war against extremism, it is an all out war against Islam and those who want to follow it as it was revealed by our beloved Prophet SAW.

These people and their organizations act as if they have concern for the Ummah’ but this is another deception to gain your trust so that you support their message, which is to be a moderate Muslim who openly accepts man made laws and to stand with the Kuffar in their war against Muslims worldwide. This is a trap created by the American government and Zionist movement to divide Muslims and get them to be happy to live under tyrants who invade kill and slaughter in the name of peace. So who are these people and what is their intention? To change Islam by watering it down so that we coexist with the kuffar and willingly accept and promote their systems while they kill and plunder all the resources from the Muslim lands. The American government sustain Israel and it is the primary source keeping the tyrant arab leaders in power to oppress Islam and anyone who speaks the truth insuring and preventing the Muslims from ever establishing another Khilafah.

These people are agants who work for the kuffar to deceive the masses of Muslims so that they stand with them against the Ummah. They openly take the disbelievers as friends, protectors and allies instead of standing with the Ummah. They promote the system of shaytan which is democracy, capitalism, zionism, communism, socialism or any other man made systems which have only been created to to oppress and replace the system of Allah. We now see Muslims openly waving american flags in their support for the government. How could Muslims be so lost and ignorant? Prophet Muhammad SAW spoke against nationalism and said that it will be a disease that will carry on within the Ummah. So what about now when these governments are actively killing millions of Muslims worldwide, 3 million in Iraq alone and counting.

The Quran says that anyone who take the kuffar as friends, protectors or allies is one of them! Do we even know what the Quran says and what the religion tells us? Islam has come to dominate and spread justice and that alone will result in peace, but when you throw the book of Allah behind our backs and follow the ways and ideologies of the kuffar we lose. It is time that we wake up! All command is to Allah, Allah is far above these man made systems of the devil and they need to be exposed, democracy is unislamic and is the enemy of Allah and Islam and if you cannot see that then your heart is sealed and your comprehension of Islam is lost.

Prophet Muhammad SAW told a christian who was wearing a cross that they worship their priests and rabbis, and the christian replied, they do not worship them, and Rasool Allah SAW said, didnt they make the halal haram and the haram halal, and by following them you actually worship them!

So to obey is to worship! What about us today?

A Muslim accepts what has been revealed and opposes what Islam rejects. These peoples sole purpose is to divide us and conquer us all until we are no more. The Quran says that the kuffar will never be happy with you until you follow their way, what are their ways? imitating them by looking like them (shaving the beards etc.) dressing like them, living like them, talking like them, promoting their systems and laws, concepts and morals and obeying their law especially when it conflicts with what Allah has revealed. Obedience to them is disobedience to Allah. There is no God but Allah! D we really understand what that means? Islam is not a religion but a way of life! The Quran says that anyone who rules by other than the rule of Allah is a kafir! So what about these so-called Muslims who stand with them and call to their systems!

Do these Muslims ever speak out against the kuffar who kill, rape, detain and massacre Muslim worldwide? No they do not! they stand with the kuffar in their crusade against the Muslims! This is a fact and cannot be disputed. They stand with the kuffar and come into the house of Allah and promote the criminals and their evil systems on the mimbar of the Masjids! This is a clear evil deception and must be exposed. These people in reality are non Muslims, they are assisting the kuffar and deceiving the ignorant Muslims who are clueless to even the basic understanding of Islam. Let it be know, they are kuffar! Wake up now and read the Quran and think about what it is saying. There can be no confusion as Allah has said, verily this is a book wherein there is no doubt! Is Allah’s words not clear enough for us? We are being lied to about our brothers who fight in the path of Allah as well as everything else. What they utter is nothing but falsehood! We need to wake up to the lies and come back to our deen so that we may have success and stay far from aiding the enemies of Islam.

When a nation of kuffar invade the Muslim world by force and kill millions, torture our brothers and rape our sister and a Muslim fights back he is labeled a terrorist and when these america organizations and their puppets like Ahmed Bedier and Hamza Yusuf and others speak against them and the openly stand with the kuffar he himself become a kafir and actively misleads you all. Shame on you if you support these people hypocrites instead of your brothers and sister who suffer while you laugh and joke living a life of comfort filling your stomachs. Anyone who follows and supports these people cannot be a believer!

There is no Gob but Allah and Muhammad SAW is His Messenger!

Learn to understand what this statement means, Allah guides who He wills, whom Allah guides no man can mislead and whom he misleads you will never find for him a guide.

We call you all who are true to Allah to denounce this falsehood and stand for the truth. Give victory to Allah and he will give victory to you.

May Allah destroy the enemies of Islam and all the hypocrites who support them and give the Ummah victory.

……those who believe will recline on thrones raised up high in Palaces underneath which rivers flow therein they will have purified companions with wide eyes with whom they will be pleased…..

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