Thanks for coming to my website. Let me begin by saying that without the help and support of many, none of this could have been accomplished. Still, the challenges that reside exists by those who, "are not" with us. Those not with us, are an elite people who are from groups, regimes, and organizations that span all corners of the planet, and still, their grasp upon our world as we know it is strong but not rock solid as in the thousands of years that pre-date us. Their foundations are solid by monetary fortitude and they possess real-time connectivity with secret level security accesses. This elite conglomerate of family's and bloodlines must be addressed. Within the ranks of these bloodlines exists the most derogatory, dark, and undeniably ruthless and sick acts that any human could handle hearing about; let alone knowing the visual truth of the matter. It is because of what these dark people stand for that I have taken the actions which I have chosen, and for the reasons by which I live my life to bring about a more equal, fair, free-will based, freedom loving and privacy protecting world. So come on in and enter into the Leo Zagami website, dare begin to breach the worldly imperative and miserably dark subjects of unbelievable yet undeniable truth. Come, join us and be a part in this historical movement. OUR MAIN ENEMIES: THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND THEIR UNITED NATIONS Rothschild Zionism, British Zionism and any form of corruption connected to the illuminati Secret Societies Network in Freemasonry, Religions and Royal Families. We have found that there must be unity in the message of the over-all Truth Movement in order for this to be taken seriously and in a acceptable manner from the people of the World and the USA in particular . We found challenges such as unity is unfortunately not strongly present in the so called 9/11 Truth Movement. We shall have to go forward in a different way transforming such Movement in a true resistance were ever it is possible. Some history perhaps? It reads, "The Great Seal of the United States" A "state" is also "a condition of mind , and an attitude" The pyramid represents a certain state of mind and the eagle represents another state of mind; bring them together and you have the "United States" . My state of mind is quite positive about finding US Brothers and Sisters ready to share in our goals, and in the upcoming struggle against the NWO, where we may free as many of those blinded and enslaved by the Illuminati. The emphasis is on humanity being ready grasp a newer and brighter future, a future without this Orwellian nightmare around every corner. We have to remember that America was seen by the Founding Fathers as the new Jerusalem with a divine destiny to fulfill. The intention was not to bring about a diabolical outcome in the end of times, rather a world of free will and free of fearful feelings. The hopes and aspirations of many of the earlier settlers of America centered around four major concerns: 1) Freedom of Religion 2) Freedom of Speech 3) Freedom from Want (material accomplishment) 4) Freedom from Fear But the Prophetic Message of THE GEORGIA GUIDESTONES should be a reminder of the real intentions of the Occult Goverment because it was prepared by the world’s most mysterious secret Fraternity the Rose Cross (R.C) that also gave birth in 1776 to the illuminati of Bavaria and is still in control of Freemasonry were the Jewish Zionist control more then ever the present direction of the NEW WORLD ORDER towards the creation of a Synarchic Technocracy in line with what we see in the 2002 movie EQUILIBRIUM were the Tetragrammaton Council led by a reclusive figurehead known as "FATHER" rules following the "1984" Orwellian idea.
THIS IS STILL A MASONIC FRIENDLY SITE BECAUSE WE AS THE ORDO ILLUMINATORUM UNIVERSALIS WANT TO ESTABLISH DIALOGUE AND INTERACTION WITH THE ENEMY AND HAVE MANY HONEST FREEMASONS AND KNIGHTS TEMPLAR ON OUR SIDE WHO HAVE NOT BEEN CORRUPT BY ZIONISM, JESUITRY OR THE NWO. We hope this site can be dedicated to the deepest form of research in the esoteric field and the development of a new virtual interaction between Freemasons, Illuminati and other representatives of Hermetic and Initiatic Orders of importance and people from all over the Globe in this key moment for the next step in the evolution of mankind.
We are the Order of Knights of the Temple of the Holy Spirit
We fight obscurantism , fundamentalism and ignorance and, by inclusion, satanism. We are the TRUE ILLUMINATI enlightened by GOD, not the corrupt Dark Side kept in ignorance by their demonic controllers. We are the only one with a specific plan for the most important period of transition for mankind 2012-2019 We are building a Temple for the Holy Spirit
Leo Lyon Zagami is an active member and collaborator of
The International Affairs Institute for World Peace (Tokyo)
I urge you to email me personally, tell me how you might be able to help in this great endeavor before us, so we may also leave behind a presence of planet for our children to indulge, love and cherish. This we can do, please join us. If you want FREEDOM you must fight for it, If you want TO FIGHT You must organize, If you want TO ORGANIZE THEN JOIN US,Register on my website here to become engaged, or contact me, Leo Lyon Zagami here, to keep in touch and stay updated!! Let us all REMEMBER, this is a PEACEFUL agenda, cautiously walking softly, we carry a big stick. God Bless America and the world in these difficult times Leo Lyon Zagami |
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